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5 Things to Know Before Your First Skydive


Skydive Newport Posted by: Skydive Newport 7 years ago

If you’re a first-timer, you might be daunted by the idea of making a tandem skydive. Don’t be! Skydiving (especially here, in our stunning Rhode Island home) isn’t just the thrill of a lifetime. It’s a moment for posterity, and it’s more powerful than you think. You should make that leap — and you should make it with us. Here are five of the best reasons that Skydive Newport is the very best place in New England for your first-time tandem experience. After you’ve jumped with us, you’ll certainly agree!

1. We Respect Your Time

At most skydiving dropzones, you need to plan to be at the dropzone for at least a few hours. At Skydive Newport, we take immense pride in the amount of respect we demonstrate for your precious time. While we have one of the nicest, newest, most comfortable waiting areas in the skydiving world, we’re happy to report that you won’t spend much time enjoying it!

When you arrive, there’s a bit of business to take care of before your jump. First, you’ll fill out a waiver. Then you’ll make payment and register. (Be sure to bring your ID!) At this point, you’ll decide whether you would like to have pictures of your skydive, a video or both. Next comes a brief “ground school” orientation to introduce you to the process of the skydive. Before you know it, you’ll be gearing up and heading for one of the beautiful airplanes in our fleet.

2. We Love Guests

If you’re thinking of bringing non-jumping friends and family to share your moment of triumph, we’re looking forward to welcoming them, too! Guests are welcome to enjoy the shaded, comfortable picnic tables, tucked well within cheering distance of our soft, grassy landing area. Guests may feel more than welcome to welcome to bring along snacks and drinks to make the visit more comfortable. If you forget, don’t despair: there are plenty of shops about 5 convenient minutes away by car.

3. We Have Experienced Instructors To Guide You

Once you’ve completed your waiver, you’ll be introduced to your licensed, eminently experienced Tandem Master (who will be the most important person in your life for the next few minutes). For your comfort, safety and confidence, every tandem skydiving instructor at Skydive Newport holds a current rating with the United States Parachute Association. All of our instructors have thousands of skydives and that they follow the USPA’s strict rules regarding tandem safety.

Even beyond those ratings, our instructors are personable, thorough and downright charming. They get high ratings from every single one of our skydiving guests.

4. There’s No View Like A Skydive Newport View

You can expect the airplane ride to be the most beautiful 20 minutes of your life. (Take our word for it: We fly up there every single day and we haven’t gotten tired of it yet). You’ll be treated to the incredible views of the boats bustling around the marina, the stately arch of Newport Pell Bridge, the long ribbons of beach that wrap the coast, the lush colors of the city and, of course, the twinkling eternity of the ocean as it stretches out to the horizon. It’s absolutely jaw-dropping. You simply must see it for yourself.

5. The Memory Of Your Jump Will Stay With You Forever

If you think the jump is incredible — and you will — you’ll be even more amazed by the afterglow. A first-time skydive is one of the most inspiring experiences you’ll ever have, wrapping up in a bath of endorphins the likes of which you’ve never felt. After all: If you can jump out of an airplane as it cruises any thousands of feet above the “real world,” what can’t you do? Many of our jumpers clamor to report the wonderful changes that emerge in their lives after taking on the challenge of a skydive. We’re willing to bet you won’t be any less amazing.

How about it, dear reader? Let’s skydive together! Book your jump today.

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